Foliar based nutritional input for field crops, comprising of micronutrients. normally called plant growth promoter.
Application of Trasco-5 Ag liquid produces natural growth hormone in all crops,It helps Nitrogen fixation of bacteria both symbiotic & non-symbiotic to grow vigorously .Prevents Interveinal chlorosis, and stunted growth, yellowing, rossetting, dieback, corking & pitting of fruits.
It also prevents hollow-stem syndrome, of some crucifers, It prevents decreased water absorption, and non-sugar translocation problems, aids in more tillering in paddy, more number of panicles per plant with more filled grains thus ultimately increases the yield.
In vegetable crops it increases the disease resistance capacity of crops , prevents flower and fruit drop, increases the number of female flowers in cucurbits, fights all the hidden deficiency of micronutrients.Helps the plant to yield to the most optimum limits.