Gond Katira, also known as Tragacanth Gum, Its a natural gum obtained from the saps of locoweed plant. It naturally emanates in the form of twisted crystals, which swell up when mixed with water. It's said the gum has both cooling and warming properties, and thus it can be eaten in any season. Due to its dual properties, Gond katira has been used as a cure for cough dysentery. Soak a little gum in water, which turns it into a jelly. Once its in jelly form, have it with some hot or cold milk. From boosting immunity to regaining post-pregnancy strength, Gond katira has been used since ages for various health benefits. Here are a few benefits that you can have after consuming it. This gum is known to have anti-aging properties, and thus help in delaying wrinkles and removing those fine lines. It also helps in treating acnes & pigmentation. Consuming Gond Katira can stimulate the bowel movements and can help in maintaining a healthy digestive system. For the same reason, you can combine it with curd/ yogurt as well. It is an excellent immunity boosted and can help in fighting against several diseases. It is also said to help in cell regeneration and cell recovery. You must have heard of gond laddoos been given to ladies after delivering a baby. It is for the same reason, as Gond promotes lactation while helping in easy flow of blood in the whole body. This wonder herb is loaded with calcium and is beneficial for those who have weakness in their bones, and helps regain strength. As a cooling agent, It helps in controlling high blood pressure & bringing it to normal state. Due to its cooling nature, gond katira is used in several cooling drinks likes Shikanji and chilled raw milk during summers. You can also make smoothie by blending gond katira with yougurt and some soaked dry fruits.