Explore strange, unexplained phenomenon such as the UFOs, incredible creatures, sudden vanishing, legendary places, unsolved murders and strange deaths. Discover inexplicable incidents occurring not only in the skies and the cosmos, but also in the natural world, and in the depths of human mind with the help of hoaxes, technologies, secret societies and miracles.
This book just doesn't help you imagine situations or invented characters but take you around real happenings which though are hard to believe due to their extraordinary nature yet the illustrations and proofs provided in the book convinces the reader of their existence and hence keeps him glued.
Though it is not a fiction, the incidences mentioned in this book are exceptionally and completely breathtaking which promise to make the reader more and more curious with every passing leaf...
So get ready to lose yourself in the hold of these gripping mysteries which are yet to be solved Mysteries of the World CONTENTS:
1. Yeti
2. Comte de Saint Germain
3. The cloth that had it all
4. The Dyatlov Pass Incident
5. The Lost Roanoke Colony
6. The Hopkinsville Goblin Case
7. The Mad Gasser of Mattoon
8. The Mystery of the Mary Celeste
9. Famous Unsolved Codes and Ciphers
10. The Double Life of Lurancy Vennum
11. The Taos Hum
12. Is Eldoradoa myth or a land?
13. Where did the Olmecs disappear?
14. Who was the queen of Sheba?
15. UFO’s, still unidentified
16. The Iron that never rusts
17. The Tutankhamen’s Mummy
18. The Jungles of Angkor
19. PSI—The extra sensitive wing of Science
20. The Incomplete Mayas
21. Where does the Inca Treasure lie?
22. The mystery behind Stonehenge
23. How were the pyramids built?
24. Black Hole of Siberia
25. The forgotten Voyagers of the New World