A housewife is very often judged by the way she keeps her house. For her, it s like a temple a key through which she can ensure the highest level of physical and emotional comfort for her family.
And in view of its critical significance in one s life, it s imperative that your home is managed well an art every homemaker needs to master.
Home Management, written by Rupa Chatterjee a housewife who is also a professional interior designer, is one such handy help that deals with the subject in a critical and comprehensive manner. Never before, so many tips and suggestions, covering every aspect of the subject, have been put together in a single volume from interior decoration, time management, organising household chores, cleaning of house and its security to maintaining of gadgets. It goes on to cover tips on energy conservation and interpersonal relationships, as well.
A must for all who wish to make their homes, a paradise. CONTENTS: Preface 1. Home Management —A Necessity a) Organising the Household b) Types of Houses c) What Our Home Says About Us d) Time Management e) Organising Household Chores f) Chores for the Day g) Weekly Chores h) Monthly Chores i) Maintaining the Household Records 2. Cleaning the House and its Security a) Self Help b) Domestic Help c) Types of Cleaning Tools d) Maintaining the Walls e) Maintaining the Floors f) Maintaining Tiles g) Cleaning Carpets h) Removing Spots from Rugs i) Cleaning Curtains/Blinds j) Maintaining Upholstery k) Polishing Silver l) Furniture m) Appliances n) Cleaning Light Fixtures o) Handling Domestic Garbage p) Household Hints q)Problem of Household Pests r) Using Pesticides s) Security t) Personal Safety and Security Measures u) Making Doors and Windows Foolproof v) Types of Alarms w) Safety Lock x) The Use of Manpower y) Security Check of Domestic Help z) Safety Guidelines a.1)Safeguard Against Purse Snatching 3. Maintaining the House a) The Exterior b) The Interior c) Care for Your Appliances d) The Kitchen e) The Bathroom 4. A Guide to Home Decor a) Some Tips About Vaastu b) What Decoration Achieves! c) The Importance of Having a Neat Entrance d) The Drawing Room or Living Room e) The Dining Room or Dining Area f) The Bed Room g) The Children’s Room h) The Guest Room i) The Study j) The Utility Room or Store Room k) Storage Ideas 5. Making a Home Happy! a) Be Happy, Be Positive b) Ti ps on Positive Thinking c) Laughter Banishes the Blues d) Adjustment is Necessary e) Patience is a Virtue f) Tidiness is a Must g) Anger—A Volatile Emotion h) The Power of Love i) The Power of Communication j) The Theory of ‘Instant’ k) Curbing Materialistic Values l) Don’t Neglect the Children m) Doing one’s Duty-Caring for the Aged n) How to Make Friends o) Home and Family as the Basic Unit of Society p) What About the Position of Women? q) Be a Good Member of Society