This book has been written by Mr. Varinder Viren after a deep ad minute observation of the behavior, habits and emotions of people. He has particularly focused children and teenagers of different age groups from different socio-economic backgrounds. He has provided useful insights into the upbringing of children with an altogether different perspective. The language has been kept simple and easy to read and understand. It is meant for readers of all ages, irrespective of their educational and cultural backgrounds.
This book is an ideal and effective tool for parents and their children. it will help them in recognizing and overcoming their problems, worries and tensions, if any. This book will enable them to enhance their talents that they may be having in the field of art, music of sports, etc. it will also guide children in their pursuit to excel in studies, be meritorious and lead a happy and successful life.
In brief, the chief objective of the book is to help the parents as well as the teachers in bringing up and nourishing their children in an efficient manner, encourage their talents and motivate them to pursue these skills to make it big in their future lives!
#v&spublishers CONTENTS: PART-1 Understanding Children & their Families a) Children in a Family b) The Environment of a Family c) Development of Children d) Different Personalities of Children and Their Development e) Inferiority Complex f) Talents and Emotions g) Behaviour Related Problems h) Financial Prosperity and Pocket Money i) Irregularity in School PART-2 Upbringing & Development of Children a) Ingredients for Development of Talents b) Development of Talents: What, Why and How? c) Answer Children’s Questions & Queries d) Recognition and Encouragement of Talents e) Sense of Responsibility f) Hobbies g) Supervision by Parents h) Upon Return from School i) Interests and Creativity j) Effects of Inspiration k) Talented Children and the Role of Their Parents l) 21 Tips for the Enhancement of Talents PART-3 How to be Meritorious a) Meditation and Development of Talents b) Ingredients of Good Memory Power c) Hard Work and Dedication d) The Final Journey : Merit