Inaari is focused on supporting women's health from within. Men and women have different nutrient requirements. Our bodies function differently and it is important for us to consume the right combination of nutrients that are suited to a woman's body. Similarly, women needs vary depending on what life stage one is in. In early years, women use protein powder for height growth. Some women use it for protein powder for women weight gain or as a weight loss whey protein. The Inaari protein for women has been formulated keeping in mind a woman's nutritional needs without compromising on hormonal balance. This weight loss protein powder is a whey protein for women with a combination of whey protein, herbs and antioxidants required to provide an overall health drink that is suitable for women in their reproductive year. The protine powder is available in delicious flavours it is the perfect drink that works from within. With high blendibility and great taste, this protein powder for weight loss is easy to add into your daily routine. Add a scoop to a regular glass of iced water or milk to enjoy a cooling drink or add to to your smoothie or into your bowl of curd or just anything else.