UFOs or Unidentified Flying Objects have long been a matter of great curiosity and interest for human beings on the Earth, particularly from June 24, 1947 when American pilot Kenneth Arnold reported sighting nine circular objects flying across his airplane's path in the sky over the State of Washington. His description of their movements as being like “saucers skipping over the water” coined the term, 'flying saucer.' However, objects shaped like cigars, squares, balls, triangles, rings and hats have also been reported to have been seen in almost every country, of this huge and diverse Living Planet known as the Earth. Basically, these UFOs are amorphous and shape-changing objects.
The book has an elaborate list of Alien Encounters and will create interest and captivate the minds of one and all.
The book creates an interest and captivates the minds of one and all, irrespective of age, sex, religion, profession and academic qualification, it is very interesting for the children, particularly the school kids, who are ever so curious to know about these extraterrestrial, alien spaceships! CONTENTS: Publisher’s Note Introduction Alien Abductions 1. Voronezh, Russia UFO Landing and Aliens 2. The Alfred Burtoo Encounter 3. Forester Encounters Mine-like Entities in Scotland (the Dechmont Woods Encounter) 4. UFO with Two Occupants Hovers over Man’s Car 5. Occupant Encounter in Argentina 6. UFO with Humanoid Encountered by Two Forestry Workers in Finland 7. UFO and Occupants seen near Cowichan Hospital in BC, Canada 8. Milakovic Family Encounter, Hanbury, England 9. Valensole, France Landing (Maurice Masse Case) 10. Socorro/Zamora UFO Incident 11. Eagle River Close Encounter (Man given ‘Pancakes’ by UFO Occupants) 12. Father Gill / Papua New Guinea Sighting 13. The Kelly-Hopkinsville ‘Goblins’ Encounter 14. The Flatwoods Monster 15. Man Encounters Humanoids at Varese, Italy (The Bruno Facchini Case) 16. The Villa Santina Case (Two Humanoids Encountered by Italian Artist)