Opportunities to connect with someone new happen often, but it can feel nerve-wracking and never lasts long. Doublemint’s chewy mint has two layers: a thin, crispy outer shell and a chewy, freshening core. They're great for an instant fresh feeling that's oh-so-satisfying to chew. Doublemint Peppermint gives you the confidence to let your guards down and start something fresh. This chewy mint is specially designed for those who demand long-lasting fresh breath along with a minty blast. The bold flavours of Doublemint mint come in a convenient re-sealable bottle so you can pop a rush of freshness whenever the moment strikes you. Now be fresh breath ready with Doublemint, even with the mask on! The next time you need a quick, fresh boost, pop the mint that’s fresh and delightfully chewy while working at home, studying, working out or even virtually meeting new people. Now with Wrigley’s Doublemint, you will never miss out on that ultimate moment of connection!