It is a Wooden TANGRAM Geometric Puzzle Board in the dimensions of 12.6cm 12.6cm. The thickness of the wooden board:0.5cm. This Geometric Puzzle consists of 7 Shapes (5 Triangles,1 square and 1 parallelogram). This Wooden TANGRAM Geometric Puzzle Comes with vibrant coloured pieces which may attracts the players.Thus, he/she may enjoy and improve their skills at the same time.This Wooden TANGRAM Geometric Puzzle is handy and lightweight.So it makes it easy for the buyer to carry around.This little mate may entertain and boost your mood while playing with your besties.This classical TANGRAM Geometric Wooden Puzzle is perfect for return gifts.This puzzle can be played either by an individual or with family and friends as a whole.The concept of this puzzle is to use all seven pieces to form the shape.It uses seven geometrical shapes that can be arranged or assembled in different ways to form many shapes like animals, people,birds,etc.This puzzle offers the challenge of creating a geometric shape(s) by arranging and utilizing only seven pieces.The Pieces should fit together like puzzle pieces, sitting flat on the table; no overlapping of the pieces are allowed.This puzzle can also be played as teams.For the first challenge, ask teams to mix up their 7 pieces, and then put them back together into a wooden square board. It makes it an enjoyable experience. This Wooden TANGRAM GEOMETRIC PUZZLE BOARD is designed to be fun and great for kids /Teens/and Adults.This Wooden TANGRAM Geometric Puzzle may enhance and develops problem-solving and logical thinking skills,perceptual reasoning, visual-spatial awareness,creativity and many mathematical concepts such as congruency, symmetry,area,geometry and perimeter.Tangram puzzles may promote peer interactions,stimulate higher-order thinking, and enhance problem-solving abilities.This game can be played repeatedly.This classical game is a Best entertainer and stress buster.Suitable for indoor activities. Buy it and have fun with it