In this book, 71+10 New Science Activities, the author has taken up the simple facts and principles of Science, such as: Air Force, Pressure, Weight, Emulsification, Osmosis, Gravity and Motion, Rotation, Types of Energy, Vibrations, Good and Bad Conductors of Electricity, Experiments with Magnets, Light and Sound for children, and projected them in a very simple and lucid language for the readers-- particularly the school kids who can easily perform these activities at home or school , of course with the help and able guidance of their parents, elders or teachers. The book is meant for children of all age groups, particularly from 6 to 13, who can perform and experience the thrill of these fun-filled experiments as well as learn the basic principles of Science easily and quickly. #v&spublishers CONTENTS: 1. Air Force 2. Air Pressure Difference 3. Keeping it Aloft 4. Difference in Weight 5. Whirling Air 6. Barrier to Moisture 7. Emulsification 8. Osmosis 9. Puffs of Air 10. Streams of Water 11. Flattening the Hole 12. Wetting Agent 13. Upside Down 14. Continuous Process 15. Balloon Lift 16. Low Pressure 17. Soft Banana 18. Slight Motion 19. Eyedropper 20. Large Body of Water 21. Dew and Frost 22. Forwarding Boat 23. Tiny Crystals 24. Weaker Point 25. Can Rotation 26. 'S'-Shaped Curve 27. Resisting Motion 28. Good Conductor 29. Stored Energy 30. Gravity and Motion 31. Vibrations 32. Rolling Motion 33. Slippery Walls 34. Raindrop and Hamburger 35. A Flagpole 36. Salt Water & fresh Water 37. The Earth's Surface 38. Straightened Toothpick 39. Electronic Attraction 40. Comb Your Hair 41. Charged Particles 42. Particles Accumulation 43. Imaginary Lines 44. Sandy Settlement 45. Oblate Spheroid 46. Mobius Strip 47. Unusual Catsup Bottle 48. Coin to Coin 49. Magnetic Field 50. Salt, Pepper and Water 51. Rust Formation 52. Lost Liquid 53. Acid and Alkali 54. Orderly Designs 55. Switching Places 56. How to make a Soap? 57. Big Juicy Bite 58. Fibrous Network 59. Gummy Gluten 60. Water Matter 61. No Entry 62. Water Droplets 63. Hole in the Seed 64. Geotropism 65. Green Matter 66. Leaf Skeleton 67. Microscopic Plants 68. Cell Multiplication 69. Berlese Separator 70. Piece of Artwork 71. Metamorphosis 10 Projects in Colour 1. Hot Air 2. Pleasant Quality 3. The Force of a Push 4. The Force of Gravity 5. Strength of an Arch 6. Ball Bearings 7. A Set of Gears 8. Sand Clock 9. Coloured Dots 10. Designer Eyes