TITLE - CANDID KNOWLEDGE IS POWER - 7 AUTHOR - CLASS - 07 BOARD - CBSE/ICSE PAGES - 88 Books DescriptionThe series ‘Knowledge is Power’ is meant to equip the young learners with the latest information on a variety of topics like plants and animals, environment, health, hygiene, mythology, heritage, science and technology, transportation and the world of politics. Besides, these are ample riddles, quizzes, crossword puzzles and the test of reasoning. SALIENT FEATURES :• Condensed, simplified, encyclopedic information on a variety of topics• Each book is a unique presentation of almost a multiple of subjects of great interest in a nutshell• Abundance of exercises for practice in the forms of single-word-answer questions, matching statements with answer, word formation, naming pictures, riddles, quizzes and crossword puzzles etc• Copious and generous use of topic-related colorful illustrations, pictures and graphics OBJECTIVES :• To provide practical education, useful in daily life, there are tips on road safety, including the recognition of road signs and plants having medicinal value• Introduction of national and international sports personalities and the sports-events, including the Asian, Commonwealth and the Olympic Games• Inclusion of the world of computers, the news media and the space exploration• Penetrating, thought-provoking problems, related to maths and language