Himalayan natural mineral water, pure, untreated, and undisturbed, is sourced from the himalayan mountains' upper reaches just for you. Every drop of this pure and natural drinking water travels for roughly 20 years through layers of rock, sand, and silt before being packed for you to drink. It is naturally enriched with minerals like magnesium, salt, calcium, and others, and has a ph balance that is ideal. Himalayan's distinctive mineral makeup gives it a distinct flavour, and it's packaged in a high-end, easily recognisable bottle. As a result, it's an excellent meal complement that quickly enriches the dining experience. People that appreciate the finest things in life not only order himalayan with their meals at nice restaurants, but they also make it their own brand in your own house it's one of the most popular natural mineral waters in the country's most affluent households. Himalayan offers the taste of raw, rare, and remarkable.